Jack & Rose
Child Theme vs Parent Theme A Child Theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of another theme, called the Parent Theme. Child Themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you us ...
Theme Installation Before you get started with our themes, please note that all SingleStroke's themes ONLY work for WordPress.org (self-hosted WordPress) and can't be used for WordPress.com installation. If you are new to WordPress.org, please ...
Theme Demo Data Import Demo data import feature is intended for fresh installation only. Before running demo data import, please make sure you have these conditions: You haven't created any new posts / pages other than the defaul ...
Troubleshooting Demo Data Import Errors There are some cases, the import proces might fail. This is usually caused by your hosting configurations which might conflict with the way WordPress running the import. Luckily, we have a few tips to fix these issues. ...
Setting Static Page as The Front Page By default, WordPress would use blog posts index as the front page. But you can use other custom static page as the home page. First, you need to create your static page, fill it with content. Or if you have used demo data ...
Theme Updates Updating your theme to the latest version is really important and highly recommended. Each update might contain bug fixes, new additional features that may be available, also new implementation of WordPress new features� ...
Setting How Many Blog Posts on The Index Page You might need to configure how many posts would be displayed on posts index page, when users would need to navigate to the next page after seeing a specific amount of posts. This option would also be very useful if you hav ...
Adding "Continue Reading" or "Read More" Link on Blog Posts "Read more" link is used to cut long content of a blog post when displayed in posts index page (blog home page, category page, or other archive pages). Users would need to click this "read more" link to go to the full vers ...
[Jack & Rose] Setup the RSVP Ribbon Menu Unlike the standard navigation which you can customize from Appearance > Menus, the ribbon menu is an unique feature on Jack & Rose, and can only be configured from the Customizer. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Head ...
[Jack & Rose] Hero Slider Section Hero Slider section is good for the main landing page as it makes the first impression to users. To setup Hero Slider, first, you need to install Attachment plugin (the one we recommend in the "Required Plugins" page). A ...
[Jack & Rose] Recommended Image & Video Size To get the optimum performance, we have some guidelines on your media files size. Each theme has different design, therefore you have to adjust your media files size to the optimum size. Some issues that might occurs if you ...
[Jack & Rose] Background Music To activate built-in background music feature on Jack & Rose, please navigate to Appearance > Customize > Background Music. You can choose whether to use 3rd party online streaming services like Youtube / Soundcloud, or up ...
[Jack & Rose] Setting Scrolling Navigation (Header Menu) Scrolling navigation is used on one-page landing page where you clicked a link on the menu, the page would scroll to the particular section. To activate the scrolling navigation, folow these steps:Edit your landing page an ...
[Jack & Rose] Setup RSVP form If you used our demo data import feature, you already have the home page integrated with our default RSVP form. You can start editing from it, add or remove some form fields to what you need. How to setup the form ...
Optimizing Loading Performance All SingleStroke's themes are built using the best practice to ensure you have best loading performance on your website. But there are many factors why your website runs slow and most of them are caused by non-theme factors ...
Multi-Language Website Multi-language feature allows you to more than one variation of all your pages / posts. Users can switch between languages, and your content would automatically switch to the chosen language version. Some of our themes tha ...
Translating Into Other Languages All SingleStroke's themes are transatable. If you need to translate all text in the theme into non-English language, there are two ways to do it: Translate using 3rd party plugin ...