
Translating Into Other Languages

All SingleStroke's themes are transatable. If you need to translate all text in the theme into non-English language, there are two ways to do it:

Translate using 3rd party plugin

This method is way easier. First, you need to install Loco Translate plugin, which is a free plugin. After installed and activated, the plugin will automatically detects all translatable texts in the theme. Go to the new Loco Translate menu from your Dashboard, and find the Theme you want to translate. Click the "+ New Language" link, select the new language, and start tranlsating the texts in the list.

Translate manually using .po file

  • Install any .po editor application, like: POEdit.
  • Browse to the theme's directory and find the .pot file inside the languages directory, open on POEdit
  • Click "Create new translation", and fill the needed information, like the target language, author name, etc. And then click "Save".
  • When saving, you need to name your file with the ISO format code. You can take a look of the code list here. ** Use underscore (_) instead of dash (-).
  • Translate all the texts available on the list
  • When finished, click "Save" and then upload the .po file to your WordPress installation directoy (via FTP). Upload it to /wp-content/languages directory. You might need to create the languages directory, if it still doesn't exist.