Theme Updates

Updating your theme to the latest version is really important and highly recommended. Each update might contain bug fixes, new additional features that may be available, also new implementation of WordPress new features and plugins.

** By updating a theme, normally you won't lose any data, because they are kept in the database. But it's a good idea to backup your database before updating a theme, just in case.

** All hardcoded changes on your Parent Theme would be gone upon updating. That's why we don't recommend any hardcoded change on the Parent Theme. Please use Child Theme if you want to override template, add hooks, etc.

Manual Theme Update

Manual theme update requires you to re-download the theme package from the marketplace and then re-upload the new version to replace the old one. This method is simple but need a bit of works and attention to details.

1. Download Theme Latest Version

Simply log into your ThemeForest account you used to initially purchase the theme and navigate to your Downloads page and find the theme in the list. Click "Download" button and choose "All Files & Documentation". Extract the package .zip file and found if there is special note text file included. If yes, please read the text file, as we include specific guidelines which needs your attention before updating the theme.

Inside the package, you would also find two .zip files, which are the Parent Theme and the Child Theme. You only need to upload the Parent Theme, as the new version core changes are applied to the Parent Theme only. Whether you are using Child Theme or not, you don't need to re-upload the Child Theme. Otherwise, your hardcode changes on your Child Theme would be gone.

2. How to Re-upload Parent Theme

** If your site is already live and get high traffic, you might want to use WP Maintenance Mode plugin when updating the theme. That way, users won't notice any misbehavior from your website while updating.

Log into your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Themes. Please note, if you are using Child Theme, it's not necessary to update the Child Theme, you only need to update the Parent Theme.

  1. You should activate another theme (e.g. TwentySixteen), as WordPress doesn't allow to delete an active theme.
  2. Delete the Parent Theme, by clicking "View Details" on the Parent Theme, and then find the "Delete" link.
  3. Re-upload the Parent Theme, by using the "Add New" button and then "Upload" the new version .zip file.
  4. Activate the new version theme. Done!

Automatic Theme Update (via Envato Market plugin)

This method is way faster for long run, you would get notification when a new update has been released. But you need to install an additional plugin and do some configuration on it.

Envato Market is one of recommended plugin we have listed on Appearance > Required Plugins. If you have installed and activated the plugin, you should be able to find "Envato Market" menu on your Dashboard. In that page, you should connect your website with Envato API so that every released updates, you would get a notification to update your theme.

There are two kinds of Token key:

We recommend you to use Single Use Token, as we want to keep your website connected to only the theme you are using. This is used when you build the website for your client, and you want the client to have access to only the theme they are using, not other themes you have purchased.

What's the theme ID?

You can find the theme ID from ThemeForest's page URL. e.g. Jack & Rose has the following URL: The theme ID is 13722583.

How to generate token?

  1. Go to: and sign in using the account you used to purchase the theme.
  2. After that, navigate to My Apps menu, scroll down and then click the "Create new token" button.
  3. Choose a name for your token, check these permissions options:
    • View and search Envato sites
    • Download your purchased items
    • Verify purchases you've made
    • List purchases you've made
  4. Tick the "I have read ..." checkbox and click the button.
  5. Copy the token key, go back to your Envato Market settings page, and paste your token key there.

If you have sucessfully connected the token, a new tab would appear on the Envato Market settings page, titled "Themes". You can do automatic update whenever the update is